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Team Effort: Over 1600 Trees Planted for Biodiversity


Earlier this week, on International Biodiversity Day, a dedicated group from Auckland HQ took part in a meaningful initiative, planting 1653 native trees and grasses.

This endeavour was part of the Papakura Stream Restoration Project, aimed at addressing the ecological decline of the 63km-long Papakura Stream, which feeds into Auckland’s Manukau Harbour.

Thirteen team members from Sustainability, Communications, and Marketing joined forces to contribute to this vital project.

Planting native vegetation not only enhances water quality in the stream and harbour but also mitigates erosion and provides a habitat for native species, aligning perfectly with the spirit of International Biodiversity Day.

This planting effort was made possible through WM’s Volunteer Leave program, which grants employees half a day of paid leave annually to participate in environmental or community activities.

Employees are encouraged to propose initiatives they wish to support and organize volunteer groups accordingly.

The Papakura Streams planting initiative was coordinated by sustainability coordinator Jannine Getalado and sustainability Graduate Michaela Zaugg.

Their leadership made the day not only productive but also fulfilling for all involved. As participants left the site exhausted and covered in mud, they carried with them a sense of accomplishment and pride in contributing positively to biodiversity, carbon emissions reduction, and the health of the Manukau Harbour.