As an organisation, our purpose is to safeguard our beautiful environment through the sustainable management of our resources.

Key Actions
- Implement carbon footprint reduction plan to reduce our operational carbon footprint in line with our commitments.
- Work with our team members to help them reduce their personal carbon footprints.
Click here for our Goal 1 2020 targets
Quarter 2 Update
- WM Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan approved by external auditor Toitu and first Carbon Footprint Reduction Committee led by our Managing Director held.
- Carbon footprint engagement programme planning progressed.
Goal 2: Expand Sustainable Commitment
Key Actions
- Implement activities to encourage suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint.
- Develop & implement code of conduct & performance management framework for suppliers.
- Develop and implement a procurement framework that incorporates “cost v. delivery v. sustainability” weighting methodology.
Click here for our Goal 2 2020 targets
Quarter 2 Update
- A WM & Toitu event scheduled for Oct.
- Draft supplier Code of Conduct currently being reviewed.
- 100% of 2020 projects incorporated “cost v. delivery v. sustainability” weighting methodology.
Goal 3: Increase Regenerative Planting
Key Actions
Expand support for community programmes that deliver regeneration in areas where we operate.
Click here for our Goal 3 2020 targets
Quarter 2 Update
Discussions with local communities have been delayed due to COVID-19.
For a PDF with the full update on all programme areas click here