Ko te kaupapa o te whakahaere he tiaki i tō tātau taiao ātaahua mā te whakahaere toitū i ā tātau rawa.
As an organisation, our purpose is to safeguard our beautiful environment through the sustainable management of our resources.

Key Actions
- Implement carbon footprint reduction plan to reduce our operational carbon footprint in line with our commitments.
- Work with our team members to help them reduce their personal carbon footprints.
Quarter 1 Update
- Results for Q1 show Waste Management is 11% below the operational intensity revenue target required for 2021, and 20% lower against our baseline year of 2017.
- Staff carbon footprinting programme due to run for a month in the middle of the year.
Goal 2: Expand Sustainable Commitment
Key Actions
- Implement activities to encourage suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint.
- Develop & implement code of conduct & performance management framework for suppliers that explicitly includes sustainability criteria and outcomes.
- Develop and implement regular communication and engagement with our suppliers regarding sustainable procurement.
Quarter 1 Update
- Initial discussion underway on how best to run an event during 2021.
- WM Supplier Terms updated to include Performance Management Framework that assists immediate relationship manager to validate KPI structure.
- Investigating sending a copy of the Supplier Code of Conduct to all suppliers.
Goal 3: Increase Regenerative Planting
Key Actions
Expand support for community programmes that deliver regeneration in areas where we operate.
Quarter 4 Update
Reviewing potential projects in Gisborne and Waikato to undertake riparian planting and wetland restoration work.